Custom Lists

With Fortuna wordpress template you can easily create custom Iconed List Items with the click of a button via the Visual composer page builder! Pick one of the 1200+ Icons for your list items, fully customize the looks of your list, pick custom icon size, color, style, CSS animation, margins etc. Check out some of the modification options below as well as a few examples further down the page.


Custom Icon
Icon Size (3 Presets available)
Custom Icon Color
Icon Style (Regular/Solid)
Custom List item text
Custom Bottom Margin
CSS animation of the items

More examples

Custom Icon
Icon Size
Custom Icon Color
Custom List item text
Custom Bottom Margin
CSS animation of the items
Custom List item text
Custom Bottom Margin
CSS animation of the items

More examples

Custom Icon
Icon Size
Custom Icon Color
Custom List item text
Custom Bottom Margin
CSS animation of the items
Custom List item text
Custom Bottom Margin
CSS animation of the items

More examples

Custom Icon
Icon Size
Custom Icon Color
Custom List item text
Custom Bottom Margin
Custom List item text
CSS animation of the items
Custom Bottom Margin
CSS animation of the items

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